Mirror Reflection, Silver Pipes #14


A matching pair of beautiful silver pipes, Mirror Reflection makes the perfect, unique gift.

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SKU: P10-1014 Categories: ,


Mirror Reflection Silver Pipes is a cool, matching pair of double-walled, small pipes for smoking. Each petite, pure silver pipe reaches out to a total length of 5.5″.

Created and designed to be a matching set, this duo is inseparable and sold as one unit, sharing one custom wooden box. Looking for the unique gift for a couple? This beautiful set of pipes will certainly fill the bill.

Pipe specifications (per pipe):

  • Weight – 34.5g (1.1oz)
  • Bowl Diameter – 23mm (0.9in)
  • Bowl Height – 37mm (1.45in)
  • Total Length – 140mm (5.5in)
  • Screen Size – 3/8in

Mirror Reflection Silver Pipes Package

We take pride in creating beautiful, handmade items and our silver pipes are unique. As such, this set of pure silver pipes will be carefully packaged together inside its own handmade, wooden box. The presentation is designed to make a perfect gift—either for you or someone else.

Mirror Reflection Silver Pipes is a custom, unique design to Smoking Silver. There is only one pair of these pipes. Therefore, the new owners will be the proud owners of a one-of-a-kind pair of elegant silver pipes of this design!

Caring for your pipes

Silver is a precious metal. We encourage all users to take special care of these beautiful items and provide in-depth care and cleaning instructions here.