Smoking Silver pipe and smoking bowl cleaning supplies.

Here, we provide the care and cleaning recommendations for our pure silver items:

Handling & Storage

Pure silver is soft; it can be dented or scratched. Please be very careful with your pipe, bowl, or other specialty item.

When not in use, we recommend storing your beautiful silver piece in its custom wooden box or in some other clean, dry, safe environment.

In addition, please do not leave it within the reach of children.

Lighting Guidelines

Our silver products require care when lighting. The following suggestions will also prolong the life of your new pipe or bowl. For your safety and protection, please follow these guidelines:

  • always use caution when using fire or open flame;
  • use only a standard, classic lighter;
  • hold flame over contents directly to light;
  • do not use an intense, jet, or pencil flame to light; and
  • do not heat or apply flame directly to the silver itself.

Interior Cleaning

To clean the interior of your pure silver pipe or bowl you will need:

  • rubbing alcohol;
  • cotton swab(s); and
  • a soft, flexible pipe cleaner (for pipe).

For light, routine cleaning and maintenance

  • dip cotton swab in alcohol;
  • gently swab interior of bowl;
  • dip entire pipe cleaner in alcohol;
  • insert pipe cleaner into mouthpiece of pipe stem;
  • push pipe cleaner back and forth to remove smoke residue inside stem;
  • repeat all steps a few times to make sure pipe is clean inside; and
  • rinse the inside thoroughly with water and allow to dry prior to use.

This final step is extremely important to remove any remaining alcohol that could otherwise ignite and cause injury if not removed. Please do not skip this step!

After cleaning the interior of your pipe or bowl, please clean the exterior (if needed) to complete the process.

For deeper cleaning (for pipes and bowls)

  • submerge the bowl in alcohol;
  • allow to soak overnight; and
  • after soaking, please complete all steps for the light, routine cleaning.

Do not forget to rinse the inside of the entire pipe or water-pipe bowl with water after cleaning. Dry thoroughly before use.

Exterior Cleaning

The best way to clean the exterior of your silver item is to gently wash it with dish soap and water. Either allow to air dry or pat dry with a clean, soft cloth.

For items with a natural, matte finish, polishing will bring a shine to the silver over time. If you prefer the matte finish, we do not recommend polishing.

For silver items with a high shine, a non-abrasive silver polish may be gently used.

Due to the soft nature of pure silver, please do not clean too often or vigorously. Never use abrasive cleaners or materials.